Web Programming using PHP | BCA SEM 2 BKNMU Junagadh @BCASCHOOL


Minor 2 :Web Programming using PHP









·         Web Programming

o   Static and Dynamic Web

o   Client side &Server side Scripting

o   Introduction to other Server side languages

o   Webserver (IIS & Apache)

o   Web Hosting, Virtual Host, Multi-Homing

o   Distributed Web Server Overview

·         PHP Basic

o   Introduction to PHP

o   PHP configuration in IIS & Apache Web server

o   Understanding of PHP.INI file

o   Understanding of PHP .htaccess file

o   PHP variable

o   Static & Global variables

o   GET & POST method

o   PHP Operators

o   Conditional Structure & Looping Structure

o   Array

·         PHP Function

o   User Defined Functions:

argument function

default argument function variable function

return function

o   Variable Length Argument Functions:



func_num_args, func_get_arg, func_get_args

o   Variable Functions:

gettype, settype, isset, unset, strval, floatval, intval, print_r

o   String Functions:

chr, ord, strtolower, strtoupper, strlen, ltrim, rtrim trim, substr, strcmp, strcasecmp,strpos, strrpos, strstr, stristr, str_replace, strrev, echo, print, explode, implode, join,md5, str_split, str_shuffle, ucfirst, ucwords.

o   Math Functions:

abs, ceil, floor, round, fmod, min, max, pow, sqrt, rand, bindec, decbin, hexdec, dechex,is_finite, is_infinite

o   Date Functions:

date, getdate, setdate, checkdate, time, mktime, date_add, date_create, date_format,gmdate, localtime, strftime

o   Array Functions:

count, list, in_array, current, next, previous, end, each, sort, rsort, assort, arsort,array_merge, array_reverse, array_diff, array_unique, array_key_exists, array_push,array_pop, array_search

o   Miscellaneous Functions:

define, constant, include, require, header, die, exit

o   File Handling Functions:

fopen, fread, fwrite, fclose, file_exists, is_readable, is_writable, fgets,

fgetc, file,file_get_contents, fputs, file_put_contents, ftell, fseek, rewind, copy, unlink, rename,move_uploaded_file



·         Handling Form, Session Tracking & PHP Components

o   Handling form with GET & POST

o   Cookie

o   Session

o   Server Variable

o   PHP Components: PHP GD Library

PHP Regular expression Uploading file

Sending mail using mail() Sending mail using smtp()

·         AJAX

o   What is AJAX

o   PHP with AJAX

o   How AJAX works with PHP

o   Working with AJAX as background process

o   Using JQuery with PHP JQuery AJAX with PHP



·         Introduction of SQL, MySQL Functions

o Working with MySQL using PhpMyAdmin



o   SQL DML Statement (Insert, Update, Select, Delete) Command

o   MySQLi Functions:

o   mysqli_connect,mysqli_select_db, mysqli_query, mysqli_affected_rows,mysqli_num_rows, mysqli_autocommit, mysqli_commit, mysqli_fetch_array,mysqli_fetch_assoc, mysqli_fetch_object, mysqli_fetch_row, mysqli_prepare



·         Web Services

o   XML and JSON

o   Introduction to JSON

o   Installation & Configuration

o   Resource Types

o   JsonSerializable

o   JSON Functions: json_decode, json_encode

·         jQuery

o   What is jQuery?

o   Query Syntax

o   jQuery Selector: Element Selector Class Selector ID Selector

o   jQuery Events:

click, dbclick, keypress, keydown, keyup, submit, change, focus, blur, load, resize, scroll,unload

o   jQuery Effects:

hide show, fade, slide



·         Practical    

Name of Program

Name of course

Course Code

Total Teaching Hours

Weekly Credits

Total Credits


Web Programming using PHP


Theory- 45 Practical-30

Theory credit


Practical credit





·         To understand the basics of web programming

·         To learn various building blocks of PHP for web programming

·         To understand how to use AJAX with PHP

·         To learn how to use PHP to query the affiliated data from database



·         To be able to understand the requirements of proposed web site designing

·         Having the ability to design and develop web site for any domain

·         Gaining skill to interact and manipulate various database related operations


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