Data Structure using C(Theory)


Major 3: Data Structure using C(Theory)



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Total Credits


Data Structure using C (Theory)


Theory-60 Practical-0

Theory 4

Practical Credit




·         To understand various data structures

·         To understand internal and external data storage mechanism

·         To learn how to program different data storage structures

·         To understand dynamic allocation and usage of memory


·         Learning various data management concept

·         Gaining knowledge about various data storage and manipulation techniques

·         Having ability to implement various data structures using programs







Introduction to Data structure

·         Data Management concepts

·         Foundation terms of a data structure : Interface and Implementation

·         Characteristics of a Data Structure : Correctness, Time Complexity & Space Complexity

·         Need for Data Structure : Data Search, Processor speed and Multiple requests

·         Basic Terminology of data structure : Data, Data Item, Group Items, Elementary Items, Attributeand Entity, Entity Set, Field, Record, File

·         Data types – primitive and non-primitive

·         Types of Data Structures- Linear & Non Linear Data Structures.


o   Representation of arrays

o   Applications of arrays


o   Declaring and initializing pointers

o   Pointer arithmetic


o   Declaring and using structure

Sorting & Searching

o   Sorting

  Bubble Sort

  Selection Sort

  Quick Sort

  Merge Sort

o   Searching

  Linear Search

  Binary Search



Stack and Queue

·         Stack

o   Stack-Definitions & Concepts

o   Operations On Stacks

o   Applications of Stacks

o   Polish Expression

o   Reverse Polish Expression and their Compilation

·         Queue

o   Representation Of Queue

o   Operations On Queue

o   Circular Queue

o   Priority Queue

o   o Array representation of Priority Queue



o   o Double Ended Queue

o   o Applications of Queue



Dynamic Memory allocation:

·         What is Dynamic memory allocation?

·         malloc( ), calloc( ), realloc( ) and free( ) function

Linked List:

§  Singly Linked List:

o   Building a linked list

o   Traversing a linked list

o   Insertion in a linked list

§  As a first node

§  As a last node

§  At specific location

o   Deletion of a node

§  First node

§  Last node

§  Specific node

o   Searching of linked lists

o   Sorting of linked list

o   Merging linked list

§  Doubly Linked list (traversing, insertion and deletion)

§  Linked list implementation of Stack

§  Linked list implementation of Queue

§  Applications of linked list.



Non linear Data Sstructure

§  Tree

o   Definitions and Concepts

o   Representation of binary tree

o   Binary tree traversal (inorder, postorder, preorder)

§  Graph

o  Basic concepts and definitions

o  Elementary Graph operations

o   Breadth First Search

o   Depth First Search

o   Spanning Trees

o   Shortest path



§  File Structures

Basic concepts of File and file systems File system services

Disk space allocation MS_DOS FATfile system File allocation table

tree-structured directory system


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