PHP Functions

PHP Functions

User-Defined Functions

A user-defined function in PHP is a function that you can create to perform specific tasks. This allows you to reuse code and organize your program in a modular way.

Syntax for Defining a Function:

function functionName($parameter1, $parameter2, ...) {
    // Code to be executed
    return $result;  // Optional return statement
  • function: The keyword used to define a function.
  • functionName: The name of the function (should be meaningful and follow naming conventions).
  • $parameter1, $parameter2: Optional parameters passed to the function.
  • {}: The block of code that defines what the function will do.

Example 1: Basic Function without Parameters

// Define a simple function to print a greeting
function greet() {
    echo "Hello, welcome to PHP!<br>";

// Call the function
greet();  // Output: Hello, welcome to PHP!

Example 2: Function with Parameters

// Define a function that takes parameters
function addNumbers($a, $b) {
    $sum = $a + $b;
    return $sum;  // Return the sum

// Call the function with arguments
$result = addNumbers(5, 10);
echo "The sum is: " . $result;  // Output: The sum is: 15

Example 3: Function with Default Parameters

// Function with default parameters
function greetUser($name = "Guest") {
    echo "Hello, " . $name . "!<br>";

// Call the function with no arguments (uses default)
greetUser();  // Output: Hello, Guest!

// Call the function with an argument
greetUser("Alice");  // Output: Hello, Alice!

Basic Variable Function

// Define two functions
function greet() {
    echo "Hello, welcome to PHP!<br>";

function farewell() {
    echo "Goodbye, have a nice day!<br>";

// Variable function to call greet
$functionToCall = 'greet';
$functionToCall();  // Output: Hello, welcome to PHP!

// Variable function to call farewell
$functionToCall = 'farewell';
$functionToCall();  // Output: Goodbye, have a nice day!

Variable Length Argument Functions

func_num_args: This function returns the number of arguments passed to the current function.

function printArguments() {
    $arg1 = func_get_arg(0);  // 0 is the index for the first argument
    echo "First argument: $arg1<br>";
    $arg2 = func_get_arg(1);  // 1 is the index for the second argument
    echo "Second argument: $arg2<br>";

printArguments("Apple", "Banana");
// Output:
// First argument: Apple
// Second argument: Banana

func_get_args: Retrieves all arguments passed to the function and returns them as an array.

function printAllArguments() {
    $args = func_get_args();  
    foreach ($args as $arg) {
        echo "Argument: $arg<br>";

printAllArguments("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry");
// Output:
// Argument: Apple
// Argument: Banana
// Argument: Cherry

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