Programming in Java | BCA SEM 4 BKNMU JUNAGADH


UNIT 1: JAVA OVERVIEW  How to Install Java 


1.1 History and Features of Java


1.2 JDK, JVM and JRE


1.3 JDK Tools


1.4 JIT compiler


1.5 Java IDE (NetBeans and Eclipse)


1.6  Byte code and machine code


Basic building blocks:


1.7 Data Type (Integer, Float, Character, Boolean)


1.8 Java Tokens


1.9 Operators


Basics of Java programming


2.0 Writing, Compiling and Executing basic Java Program


2.1 Java variable and scope of variables


2.2 Decision Statements (if, switch)


2.3 Looping Statements (for, while, Do-While)


2.4 Jumping Statements (break, continue, return)


2.5 Array (One Dim., Rectangular, Jagged)


2.6 Command Line Argument


OOP Concepts


2.7 Definition and concepts of Class, Object, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism


2.8 Creating and using Class with members


2.9 Static and Non-Static Members


3.0 Constructor


3.1 finalize () method


3.2 Constructor overloading and Method overloading




UNIT 2: Inheritance


3.3 Definition, concept and types


3.4 Universal Class (Object Class)


3.5 Access Specifies (public, private, protected, default, private protected)


3.6 Constructors in inheritance


3.7 Method Overriding




3.8 Definition and concept


3.9 Defining Multiple Interface in a single program


4.0 Execution of interface in simple application


4.1 Implementing Hybrid Inheritance program using Interface


4.2 Nested and Inner Class


4.3 Abstract and Final Class


4.4 Normal import and Static Import


Java API packages and important classes:


4.5 Introduction to API packages


4.6 Various packages (java.lang, java.util,,, java.awt, java.awt.event, java.applet, java.swing


4.7 java.lang Package Classes (Math, Wrapper  Classes, String, String Buffer, Number, Package)


4.8 java.util Package Classes (Random, Date, GregorianCalendar, Vector, HashTable, StringTokenizer, SimpleTimeZone, Stack, Scanner)

4.9 Creating and Using User Defined package and  sub-package


Exception Handling


5.0 Definition and concept


5.1 Try, catch, finally, throw, throws


5.2 Creating user defined Exception class


UNIT 3: Threads:


5.3 Definition, concept and life cycle (Various states)


5.4 Thread Class and its methods


5.5 Multithreading implementation and Synchronization


5.6 Deamon Thread, Non-Deamon Thread




5.7 Introduction


5.8 Types (Input, Output, Character, Byte)




5.9 Introduction to Applet


6.0 Applet Life Cycle


6.1 Implement & Executing Applet with  Parameters Playing Audio Example


6.2 Graphics class


Layout Managers


6.3 Flow-Layout


6.4 Border-Layout


6.5 Card-Layout


6.6 Grid-Layout


6.7 Grid-Bag Layout


6.8 Introduction to other layouts(Box-Layout, Spring-Layout, Group-Layout)


6.9 Using NO LAYOUT Manager


UNIT 4: Creating GUI using swing


7.0 Introduction to AWT and Swing


7.1 Difference Between AWT and Swing


Swing Components


7.2 JFrame, JPanel, JLabel,  JButton, JRadioButton, JcheckBox, JTextField, JpasswordField, JTextArea, JScrollBar, JComboBox, JList, JToggleButton, JTabbedPane, JSlider, JProgressBar, JTextPane


7.3 Menus (JMenuBar, JMenu, JMenuItem)


Event handling


7.4 Introduction and concept


7.5 Event Delegation Model


7.6 Event Packages (AWT Event Package, Swing Event Package)


7.7 Event Classes (ActionEvent, ItemEvent, FocusEvent, MouseEvent, MouseWheelEvent, TextEvent


7.8 Listener Interfaces (ActionListener, ItemListener, FocusListener, KeyListener, MouseListener, MoutMotionListener, TextListener, WindowListener)


7.9 Adaptor Classes (FocusAdaptor, KeyAdaptor, MouseAdaptor, MouseMotionAdaptor)


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