History and Features of Java

Java programming language was originally developed by Sun Microsystems which was initiated by James Gosling and released in 1995 as core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform (Java 1.0 [J2SE]). History of even naming of the Java is very interesting. It went under many names.


James Gosling was leading a team named as 'Green' team. Target of this team was to create a new project which can. Initially C++ was the original choice to develop the project. James Gosling wanted to enhance C++ to achieve the target but due to high memory usage, that idea was rejected and team started with a new language initially named as GreenTalk. The file extension used as .gt. Later this language was termed as Oak and finally to Java.


James Gosling renamed language to Oak. There was an Oak tree in front of his office. James Gosling used this name as Oak represents solidarity and Oak tree is the national tree of multiple countries like USA, France, Romania etc. But Oak technologies already had Oak as a trademark and James team had to brainstorm another title for the language.


Team put multiple names like DNA, Silk, Ruby and Java. Java was finalized by the team. James Gosling tabled Java title based on type of espresso coffee bean. Java is an island in Indonesia where new coffee was discovered termed as Java coffee. As per James Gosling, Java was among the top choice along with Silk. Finally, Java was selected as it was quite unique and represented the essence of being dynamic, revolutionary and fun to say.

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